Rival's Over Indulgence
Born June 11, 2011
DNA CEA normal by parentage
Cerf Normal
OFA Excellent
Visa 7 weeks old
Visa is my Vesta/Verve daughter we or rather she decided that she would be the one to stay here with us. This pup was a very long time in the making and a huge expense so just the right name had to be chosen. "Over Indulgence" fits her to a "T" . I always said I would give my eye teeth for Vesta all over again.. I couldn't have gotten any closer if i tried !!
She is a blast to train, smart as a whip and as fast as lightening !!
She has some pretty big shoes to fill but i am certain she will do just that and then some
A very special thanks to Catie Williams Verve's owner for dropping everything to help ensure this breeding took place!!
It certainly was worth all the effort and expense